Sage Advice Collection

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 581DR129 Dragon #129 Is a character using infravision still subject to gaze attacks, such as that of a medusa?  Yes, the character with infravision can “see” the medusa. 
 582DR129 Dragon #129 Can a character using infravision see undead creatures?  Yes, they appear cold (blue) and can only be seen dimly. Optionally, skeletons might have the same temperature as the room around them, thus being “invisible” to infravision. 
 583DR129 Dragon #129 Can a character using infravision see invisible creatures such as a magic-user using an invisibility spell or ring? Could the character see a thief hiding in shadows?  An invisibility spell or ring also defeats infravision. Infravision might reveal a thief hidden in shadows. If there is a heat source nearby (a torch or fire), infravision is spoiled and the thief remains hidden. If there is no heat source, infravision reveals the thief. 
 584DR129 Dragon #129 Can a character with infravision use a mirror to look around a corner?  Only with great difficulty. Mirrors do not reflect infrared light very well. Only creatures who are very close can be seen in the mirror, and only if there are no other heat sources nearby. 
 585DR129 Dragon #129 Do character levels equal hit dice? For example, can a 5th-level magicuser be affected by a sleep spell? According to the monster lists, humans have only one hit die.  Levels equal hit dice in this case. The 5th-level magic-user (or any other character of 5th level or above) in your example is immune to sleep spells. 
 586DR129 Dragon #129 Can PC magic-users or elves add spells that they find into their spell books?  Yes, PC magic-users and elves can copy spells from scrolls or “captured” spell books into their own spell books. In either case, the copied spell disappears from its original scroll or book when it is copied into the PC’s book. The DM can impose time or money requirements on copying spells into books. The section on destroyed spell books (Expert Rulebook, page 26) is a good guide. 
 587DR129 Dragon #129 What is the penalty for a cleric using an edged weapon or a magicuser using a sword?  No character will willingly use a weapon that is not allowed to his class. No penalty need apply — just don’t allow it. In a lifeor- death situation, a character might be allowed to pick up a restricted weapon — violating the principles of one’s profession is better than being dead — but this would have to be a desperation move, and you should assess hit-roll and damage penalties. I suggest -4 to the hit roll and -2 to damage (1 hp damage minimum). 
 588DR129 Dragon #129 What is the highest level a character can attain?  All human classes are limited to 36th level. The demi-human limits are: Dwarf 12, Elf 10, and Halfling 8. Demi-humans can gain extra skills after they have reached maximum level. The D&D Expert, Companion, and Masters Sets cover the higher levels of play. 
 589DR129 Dragon #129 What is the best saving throw a character can have?  The lowest possible saving throw is a 2. No matter how high a character’s level and how many magical protections he has, a roll of 1 always fails a save. There is no best saving throw - just a successful one. 
 590DR129 Dragon #129 What do “1-in-6” and “2-in-6” mean?  The term “1-in-6” refers to one chance out of 6, or a roll of 1 on a six-sided die (1d6). Similarly, “2-in-6” means a roll of 1 or 2 on 1d6 
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