Sage Advice Collection

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 631DR129 Dragon #129 What, exactly, is encumbrance?  Encumbrance is simply the amount of treasure and equipment a character can carry. Encumbrance is measured in units of weight equal to one coin (cn). The more weight carried, the slower the character moves. The table on page 30 of the Basic Set Players Book gives character movement rates at different encumbrances. The tables on page 19 of the Expert Rulebook gives weights in coins for various equipment. If you are not using the Expert Set, assume that each fully equipped PC has normal (400 cn) encumbrance. 
 632DR054 Dragon #54 When a character attacks a skeleton with a piercing weapon, is the character’s strength-damage adjustment added to the number of points of damage inflicted on the creature?  Skeletons take half damage from attacks by sharp weapons -in other words, half of the points of damage that would have been suffered by a creature which does not have that partial protection. The result of the attack is computed normally, the bonus to damage (if any) is added to the full result, and then the damage points are halved. For example, a character with strength 18 (+2 to damage) hits a skeleton with his long sword and does 4 points of damage with the weapon. The skeleton will take 3 points of damage from that attack (4 + 2 equals 6, divided by 2 equals 3), as opposed to the 6 points of damage it would inflict on a creature which is fully vulnerable to edged weapons. 
 633DR064 Dragon #64 When a character has one ability score low enough to be “forced” into a class, what happens if the character’s other ability scores are not high enough to qualify for that class?  Either you’re rolling cursed dice, or the DM is using a strange, special system for generating ability scores. In either case, the most obvious solution is to crumple up the piece of paper with those six terrible numbers on it, take a fresh sheet, and pretend that character never happened. How and why would a player get in this kind of predicament to begin with? The player decides (in most character-generation systems) which ability to assign to which number — so why would anyone knowingly saddle a character with a super-low score (one of those “here or lower” numbers) and thereby commit that character to a class it is not qualified for? If you’re unlucky enough to roll a 3, 4, or 5 for an ability score, your choices become a lot more limited — but there still are choices. Assign the lowest of your six scores after you’ve figured out what to do with the highest rolls, not the other way around. 
 634DR044 Dragon #44 When a character is in a dungeon, the passage of time is usually quicker than normal. But when you take a character “out of action” to learn a new language, for example, does normal time apply to the character?  With respect to a character, all activities are defined in terms of “game time.” Review page 37 of the DMG for a full explanation of time. 
 635DR129 Dragon #129 When a character uses a wand of magic detection or a wand of enemy detection, who can see the glow when a magical or unfriendly object is revealed? How long does the glow last?  Any character who can see the object(s) revealed can see the glow. If the view is obstructed by a solid object (such as a chest), not even the user can see the glow. This means that a camouflaged creature spotted with a wand of enemy detection would appear as a glowing spot under the camouflage. Anything spotted by a wand glows for one round. 
 636DR037 Dragon #37 When a Magic-User casts Charm Person, must he know the person’s language in order to command him after he has been charmed?  If the spell caster doesn’t know the language and didn’t think to bring a Comprehend Languages spell with him, then it’s too bad. The M-U now has a charmed person with whom he cannot communicate. 
 637DR126 Dragon #126 When a map has a hex grid (hexagons instead of squares), and the scale is 24 miles per hex, what does this really mean? Is the distance measured from the centers of opposite sides or from opposite corners?  In most games, the distance across a hex is measured from the center of one side to the center of the opposite side. This is the case in the D&D and AD&D games. 
 638DR053 Dragon #53 When a player character monk attains 8th level or higher, will there be non-player character monks seeking to defeat him in combat so as to attain his level? Will be always have to combat higher-level NPCs when this is necessary to attain the next level?  In a well structured campaign, there will be a monkish hierarchy even if there is only one monk player character of sufficiently high level to challenge for another monk’s position. In the extreme, this hierarchy would be delineated all the way up to the Grand Master of Flowers—a total of 12 positions (from 8th level through 17th) which would all be filled by NPCs if no player character has yet advanced beyond 7th level. At the least, the DM should provide opposition for a player character as it becomes necessary: Be sure there is an 8th-level monk for the upstart player character to battle, when the time comes, and have other “titleholders” prepared and ready to play if the player character rises even higher. The rules about advancement for monks are specific: A monk must meet a higher-level monk in hand-to-hand combat when the lower-level monk obtains enough experience points to qualify for ascension to the next level. This presumes the existence of higher-level monks, which the DM must provide if player characters do not already fill those positions. Otherwise, the lower-level PC monk’s efforts to rise in level, obtain experience points and strive for greater prowess and superiority become meaningless. It doesn’t necessarily work the same way when a player character is in a position to be challenged by a lower-level monk. It is not mandatory for higher-level PC monks to face challenges from lower-level aspirants, but such challenges will certainly come about in a campaign where the DM actively employs NPC monks, charting their advancement up the experience-point ladder just as for player characters. Challenges to a player character monk do not ever have to occur, but it would be ridiculous for a player character to make it all the way to Grand Master of Flowers without ever facing a bid for his position from a lower-level contender. 
 639DR037 Dragon #37 When an Augury spell is cast, do the geminlaid sticks disappear, or can they be used over again?  Any material component used to cast a spell disappears as soon as the spell is cast, regardless of whether the spell is a Cleric’s spell or a Magic-User’s spell. 
 640DR042 Dragon #42 When an offensive spell’s range is “touch,” does the touch have to be with a hand?  Yes. 
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